Bonjour amigos (trilingual nbd). Hope everyone here had a good week but if you didn’t 1. That sucks 2. That’s ok because it’s about to get a lot better here in like 3.5ish hours when the horns and the wolverines kick off. What should you do until then you ask? Gotta answer that question with a saying that inside you there are two wolves. One that wants to lay in bed and be a sad sack of regret and one that wants to get outta bed and put on some AC/DC and do some moving and grooving. There’s no right way to start your gameday but why not put a little Shoot to Thrill on and just get ready to let it rip. Plus you can justify the coors lattes and junk food you’re gonna eat the rest of the day if you get a workout or something in this AM. Or don’t and just do nothing but watch cfb all day. Also a respectable move. Either way, so long as you can get your boots and jeans on and hop in the shower before they make the picks on gameday you golden. Let’s have a good one team.

Ah yes. The we beat bama bowl. Makes me want to throw up. Michigan got some weird stuff going on to start the season. They don’t really know who their qb is, their coach might be in big doodoo with the NC double A, and they stopped cheating. So they’re having a tough time figuring out what kinda football team they wanna be. On the other hand Texas is nasty. Michigan may beat them up a little between the tackles, but Texas offense got too much fiyapowa to get cooked. Reluctantly, hook em.

They called me a mad man. They were probably right. The CyHawk is a real sicko picko here today and I can’t wait to not watch this game. All we need is 7 touchdowns and one field goal. 8 scoring possessions. Surely we can do it right?

This heated rivalry from one school poaching the other school’s basketball coach will probably be pretty lopsided today. Poor Kermit Davis has to pick who to root for between his 1st love MTSU and the ex wife who he somehow won the divorce from and she has to pay him alimony, the Rebs. Kiffin and Dart are just gonna keep running up the score every chance they get so that Jaxxon can have 100 touchdowns and a Heisman at the end of the year. No championship bc let’s be real this is ole miss but the man does have a shot at an individual award.

In Jalon Daniels we trust. WTF IS AN ILLINI??? Sorry Big Chungus Ricc. Not gonna happen for Juice Williams’s Alma mater today. Kansas in a blow out.

This week we got special guest Guillermo Freeman joining us in the booth. The man is fighting 3 battles today having been a lifelong UGA fan who went to Ole Miss and today is also very hungover. Very down bad sat day for MBHS 2015 most attractive superlative man. Looking back is that not kind of a weird thing for a school to encourage? “Who’s your hottest classmate? Ok cool we, the teachers and staff, are giving them an award. Whack.

FREEBIRD: HOGS +10 vs OK State