Limited Availability: McDonald’s Spicy Nugs

February 15, 2021

At long last, you have requested my review of McDonald’s Limited Availability Spicy McNuggets. Worry no longer. The Taste Titan has returned after endugling on some hot nugs this evening. Let’s dig in.

First the appearance. Very dissapointing. They came in a white paper sack. The original McNuggets come in a fine clean cardboard box, and you hand me these in a greasy sack. If you’re trying to make me feel special, you have woefully failed. These nuggets look alsmot identical to the OG Nugs, but with a slightly redder tint (I think. I don’t see colors too good.)

They were also recommended to be served with Mighty Hot Sauce, which I appreciated because I did not know what sauce would best pair with the poultry entree.

The first bite: Slightly underwhelming. No sauce to start, had to get the full palate. Tasted slightly like a saltier OG Nug. But the heat, they weren’t lying about spicy. It’s a slow burn. Most of the capsaicin not full activating until the crunched chicken has ascended into my gullet, but then it packs a bit of a punch. For the first time a spicy chicken meal taste like they actually gave a damn about making it spicy, and I appreciate that, but not enough for this to be better than the OG Nugs

Once dunked into the sauce, they saltiness taste subsided some, but this was no special hot sauce. It did increase the heat, enough to make my nose a little runny now. But overall, a sweet and sour sauce would probably make this a better meal.

I’m happy Big Fast Food Industry finally made a spicy meal that’s actually spicy. But ba da ba ba ba….I’m not loving it.

Spicy McNuggets Score: 4.1