Limited Availability: The McRib

December 12, 2020

A small passion of mine is trying out limited time food promos by chain restaurants. It’s probably attributed to around 10 pounds on my stomach over the years but food is one of the reasons to live on this planet, and a tasty meal is something that should be celebrated. I’ll try some from time to time and post my thoughts on the product myself so that way you can know what to expect with your order, or just take my word for it. Doesn’t matter to me either way. But limited time food promos are also so exciting in themselves. Some can lead to cults, like the McRib. Others can be absolute garbage, like the Taco Bell Grilled Cheese burrito. And then, you can have the gems, like the Chic-fil-a Honey Pepper Pimento Chicken Sandwich, which should be enshrined into fast food folklore. There’s a special feeling opening up the little present that you know you can only get right here, right now. So with that being said, the McRib.

The McRib is described by McDoanld’s as: “seasoned boneless pork dipped in a tangy BBQ sauce, topped with slivered onions and dill pickles, all served on a toasted homestyle bun.”

For starters, the presentation was pretty suspect. The cardboard box is always cool, an easy way to emphasize how special you are for getting this meal. But once I opened it up, the bottom and top bun were about as aligned as ____ plus i have no idea how the BBQ sauce got on top of the bun and the top of the box. Once I picked it up there was a small puddle of BBQ sauce in the box. Needless to say, many many napkins were required. Bun is top notch. I mean incredible bun. Very soft, seeds on top give it just a little bit of saltiness.

The sauce, they coat this sandwich in sauce. And I’m not complaining. McDonald’s BBQ sauce is one of the best fast food dipping sauces. It would probably suck as a real bbq sauce, but nevertheless, very sweet, very tangy, very delicouls. It’s amazing on this sandwich. The Rib meat reminds me of the middle school cheeseburgers in texture, but a little more of a pork taste to it. Not over the top likea porkchop, but somewhere between porkchop and middle school hamburger in taste. It’s pretty good. Not an amazing meat and frankly a little discouraging to look at eye to eye, but decently tasty.

The onion is a key part to this sandwich. It takes it from a weird BBQ pork style sandwich, to something completely on its own. A nice combination of onion strands and onion flakes, but they are big flavor boost on almost every bite.

Decently filling, not overly full and feel like I ate a meal, but it does not sit light. I would not recommend doing anything besides sitting in a chair and possibly blogging for an hour minimum after eating. Moderately above average on the sleepiness level.

Overall I thought it was a good sandwich. I’d prefer it constructed a little better, but expect a lot of sauce and and appreciate the zing of the onion. Bun was probably the best part of the sandwich overall though.

Stanine -- Statistical Standard Nine Normal Distribution

McRib Score: 6.3

Let us know what other limited time meals you want rated

Twitter: @intramuralblog @paulroth96