Rating the NFL Schedule Hype Videos

May 8, 2020

1. Arizona Cardinals

Just a string of GIF’s. What a horrible way to start out. Poor effort and probably took way too long to post.


2. Atlanta Falcons

Almost cool and intimidating but the mix in of the GIFs was a little comical to throw it off. Cool Graphics though even though it repeats itself.


3. Baltimore Ravens

If there’s two not sports things I love in this world, it’s WWE and Gameshows. Great work here by the Ravens


4. Buffalo Bills

The Bills also posted a more serious one having COVID heroes announcing but this is more fun to rate. Weird use of memes and GIFs and clips here. Doesn’t seem to flow well but is kinda hype.


5. Carolina Panthers

Incredible graphic design and video editing. Very TikTok inspired but very entertaining the whole way through.


6. Chicago Bears

I… I don’t know what I just watched. Not funny, not impressive, not intimidating, not creative…yet slightly entertaining? I guess they just tried to mimic their own offense.


7. Cincinnati Bengals

Man are they putting high expectations on Joe Burrow. If they pan out this year this will be awesome. If they suck this could be hilarious. But it was pretty badass


8. Cleveland Browns

Again another COVID Hero push. Very sweet but a lot of pandering. I will say this was pretty hype though. If I was a Browns fan this would get me amped.


9. Dallas Cowboys


All COVID Heroes. Very sweet. Lots of pandering. Low creativity.


10. Denver Broncos

Gonna be honest, didn’t seem like this took a lot of work but there was a lot of chuckles in there. Pretty good and pretty funny.


11. Detroit Lions

I did not watch this whole video. Jesus Christ that is way too long. 8 MINUTES?!?!?! Cool concept but no. Cut it.


12. Green Bay Packers

This was impressive. Looks like it took a lot of work. Not entertaining though, or hype, or funny. Just kinda like Bam, here it is.


13. Houston Texans



14. Indianapolis Colts

Geared towards their fans. I get it but not that entertaining to me. Good to get player fan interaction though.


15. Jacksonville Jaguars

Incredible. Absolutely great. THIS IS HOW IT’S DONE.


16. Kansas City Chiefs

Kings stay Kings. Let their film do the work for them.


17. LA Rams

I mean that stadium looks like it’s going to be clean as hell but this video sucked. Be better. You’re in LA now. There’s 1.2 million people who will make that for you for free


18. LA Chargers

More COVID Heroes. Very touching plus they gave people some money. Definitely did NOT make me tear up slightly.


19. Miami Dolphins

Decently Creative. Good length, funny and too the point. Dolphins did not disappoint.


20. Minnesota Vikings

When you start off your video saying “the same as everyone else”.. don’t expect amazing reviews. Yeah it was alright. Entertaining and a good length with a few good jokes in there. Poor on creativity though.


21. New England Patriots

Way to make fun of yourselves here. May want to get used to that with Stidham as your starting QB


22. New Orleans Saints

Chills. Emotion. Hype. Yes COVID Pandering but doing so in all of your rivals cities, even more savage. What an incredible effort. Job well done.


23. New York Giants


This along with a thread of GIFS about their oponents is pretty weak coming from a market like NY. And Daniel Jones awkwardness on camera… oof.


24. New York Jets

Mildly entertaining. Not super creative but different. To the point though.


25. Las Vegas Raiders

So you’re moving to a new city, Las Vegas, known for shows and production… and that’s what you give us? Fuck outta here


26. Philadelphia Eagles

Simple, funny, to the point. Good wholesome content shitting on other teams. Solid work.


27. Pittsburgh Steelers

Exactly what you’d expect from the Steelers franchise. To the point, no funny business, we’re here to work hard and play football. Way to stay true.


28. San Francisco 49ers

Wow. Very impressive. A nice WestWorld spin off that was really cool, creative, and entertaining. Better back it up.


29. Seattle Seahawks

Very nice. Very touching. Nothing crazy special. Some good ol’ fashioned COVID Pandering. Giving them seasons tickets is a nice bonus though


30. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

I don’t think anyone that’s not a Buccaneers fan watched this, I guess kinda entertaining though.


31. Tennessee Titans

Wow. This took effort. Very Entertaining and Creative. Big Fan.


32. Washington Native Americans

Dammit Washington. Dammit Dammit Dammit. I mean this is horrible in every way. Why are you so bad at everything football.
