The Long Journey Stop #4: Starting to Realize We May Be Lost

July 10, 2020

So…anyone else in full panic yet? We were set to take a dive into “tHe U” today but in the world of college football…who knows where the fuck we are now.

Things feel eerily similar to the feelings we had in late March. Amid COVID-19 concerns, the Ivy League was first to cancel their conference basketball tournament. And we laughed. We called them weak, we called them soft, we said “They’re not the same as the SEC. It just means more.” And then what happened? The next damn day everyone followed suit and cancelled every single conference tournament and March Madness, something we never thought we’d see.

Now here we are, early July with college football on the horizon… and this feels way too similar. Two days ago the Ivy League cancelled all fall sports. And what did we do? We laughed. We called the pussies. We called them weak. We said the SEC is too big and too powerful to do something like that. It’s too big of a money maker. The Ivy League doesn’t get football the way we do.

And now here we are. The Big10 announced yesterday the were doing a conference only schedule and the ACC is likely to follow suit and the SEC is meeting on Monday and don’t be surprised if they do the same.

It’s like people forget that the Ivy League is perhaps the smartest collection of human beings on this planet. No one stopped to think, holy hell, what do they know that we don’t. And now college football is threatened and there’s not much we can do to stop it.

Maybe the worst part of this whole situation is that no one knows anything. No one knows what the world will look like 3 months from now, 3 weeks from now, 3 days from now, hell who knows what’s going to happen in the next hour. I’m just a dumb football fan crossing my fingers and threatening to run into the woods for 6 months if we don’t have football. But here we are. Pray to whatever being you find responsible for creating this world. We’re close to losing it.

Panic level: 4.8/10

Miami Schedule prediction: 4-4 (who knows how many games were going to play)