Last night, WWE Women’s champion, The Man Becky Lynch, announced that she will have to step away from wrestling due to an…injury? Probably not politically correct but she has a physical condition that makes her not able to perform so… i mean…whatever. The Man is Pregnant.
In 2013, Becky Lynch exploded into the WWE, and pioneered arguably the most impressive era in Professional Wrestling History, the Women’s Division. Before Becky and Charlotte Flair came on the scene, the Divas Division for WWE was a borderline strip club. They had impressive talent on display! But frankly I’d rather stare at the sun than watch the horrible wrestling and story lines they tried to pass. In walk Ric Flair’s daughter, and this red headed fiery Irish woman.

Fast forward 7 years and the Women’s division has arguably better talent and story lines than some of the men have. Anyone whos seen both generations of women’s talent will tell you, these girls ain’t just Divas anymore. They can pack a punch. And greatly paved the way by Becky Lynch. She has transformed a black eye of the WWE into a beautiful shining star. Nothing but amazing entertainment to the fans, great promotional work, incredible in ring abilities, positive coverage by the media, and she captured the eyes and heart of WWE fans everywhere.
Her peak came in Wrestlemania 35, headlining the grandest stage of them all in a Triple threat match against Charlotte Flair, Rhonda Rousey, pinning the former UFC champ as the confetti fell and the fans gave a 20 minute standing ovation.

Since then it’s been nothing but limelight and championships for Lynch, with the WWE execs and Universe knowing how much she had change…well..everything.
And this past Monday, she came out with tears in her eyes and tremble in her voice, opened the Money In the Bank Briefcase, and gave Asuka her prize the Women’s championship. Lynch allowed her to confusedly celebrate and told her, “You go be a warrior, cause I’m gonna go be a mother.”
Asuka and Lynch cried and embraced eachother in a mixture of happiness for Lynch to be a parent, and loss knowing that she won’t be able to perform for who knows how long.
Later the WWE showed a dozen athletes congratulating Lynch in such a heartwarming fashion. We don’t know how long she’s going to be gone, I have no idea how long it takes to recover from growing another human and then pooping it out, but I’m gonna assume it takes a minute or two. And I’ll look forward to that day. I don’t know how the WWE will script her return, but I know The Man will electrify the world once more.
Cheers Becky.
Oh and Seth Rollins…. nice.