The Report: Dear Baseball, Please Save Me

May 16, 2020

This past week the MLB owner’s agreed on a deal to send to the players for plans for a shortened 2020 season. We’re at day 3,876 of no sports and this is the closest glimpse we have seen to date.

The deal is for an 82 game season with a 50/50 split of revenue to the players and owners. Here is my letter to the players as they approach a vote soon to agree or not to the deal.

Dear Baseball,

You and I don’t really know each other that well. We had a fling when I was 5 years old at tee-ball, but we both knew we weren’t great together then. Since then I still haven’t given you all that much thought. I’ve been spending a lot of time with other sports, and frankly I was never that attracted to you. And I’m here to admit it, I’m sorry.

I’m sorry I have never been there for you in the regular season, like ever. I’m sorry I mostly use you for minor league games to drink many dad juice’s at. I’m sorry I’ve really only looked at you during post season, and even there being spotty at best. And worst of all, I’m sorry for being one of the few kids to grow up in Alabama and never care about the Atlanta Braves.

I hope you take my apology seriously and know that I’m willing to change. Because the truth is, I need you now. We’re in a situation that we never dreamed would be possible, a world with no sports. Everynight i find myself watching worse and worse shows on Netlfix and I can’t take it anymore. Sports are the greatest thing our country has ever created, and its the one thing that binds communities and strangers together more than anything. In the midst of all this confusion, chaos, and frankly sad world. We need something to bring us all back together. We need sports

I know you won’t be making as much money. It sucks because you’ve earned the millions you were origninally supposed to make. I get it. That’s wrong. But look around at all of us. We’re all making sacfirices. I think its safe to say that almost everyone has a little less or maybe no money in their pocket. We’re all taking a hit too. And I know that playing baseball may put you at a slightly higher risk of catching the Rona. It’s scary. It’s not ideal, this disease can fuck people up.

But we’re all taking some risks. It’s part of getting life back to normal. This whole thing sucks. We all know it does. But you can help more than we can. Your sacrifices can get some of us through this mundane lifestyle a little easier. So yes, this deal they’re sending you isn’t perfect. If you need to tweak some things, go for it. I’m not going to read all of it but please get it done.

I’m Begging you. Please save us.


Coach Paul